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Range panel

The range panel component can show all the ranges within a Manifest, allowing you to style them and add interactive events that can update other canvas panel components.

The following CSS class names are available:

  • ul.range-item-container - a <ul /> element containing a list of ranges
  • li.range-split - a <li /> element containing a single range
  • .range-label - a <span /> element within a li for the range label
  • .range-nested-container - The outer container for a nested range (div)

The .range-item-container may have any of the following data-attributes for styling:

  • [data-leaf="true"] - if this is set, the range is a left-node (no nested ranges)
  • [data-with-selector="true"] - if this is set, then the target of this range contains selectors (not just canvases)
  • [data-range-id="..."] - this is a data attribute with the range identifier

There is a change event available on this component:

const $rp = document.getElementById('range-panel');
const $cp = document.getElementById('canvas-panel');

$rp.addEventListener('range-change', e => {
const {
range, // The full range from Vault
isLeaf, // If the range click is a left
fragment, // e.g. `t=10,20` if there was a fragment
selector, // raw selector for the range item
parsedSelector, // parsed version of the selector
canvasId, // If the range targets a canvas, this will be the ID
} = e.detail;

// This can be used to drive other web components.
$cp.setAttribute('canvas-id', canvasId);
if (fragment && fragment.startsWith('xywh=')) {
$cp.setAttribute('target', fragment.slice(5)); // slice(5) to remove xywh=

// You can also set a `selected-range` on the <range-panel />


The value of e.detail.parsedSelector is a "Supported target".

You can read more about this in the Vault helpers documentation.


  document.getElementById('range').addEventListener('range-change', e => {
    document.getElementById('range').setAttribute('selected-range', e.detail.range?.id);